Product Engineer

Fluent: Ask a data question, get an answer.

At Fluent, we use cutting-edge AI to answer your data questions. We help our customers answer questions like: “which artists achieved more than 100 million streams over the last year?”, “How many donations did our charity receive last month?” and “Which of our customers are about to churn?” without needing to rely on a data analyst to answer those questions. With Fluent, you simply ask a question in plain English and Fluent serves you the answer.

We recently raised a $7.5M investment round and work with brands like Bain & Co. and NBC Universal.

👋  How we work at Fluent

At Fluent, we believe that a small team of amazing people can outperform the average team of 100 people. We asked our team to share what attributes are unique about working at Fluent and this is what they told us:

  • Collaborative and supportive: We are flexible and helpful to each other, quick to jump on huddles to resolve anything. We are there as a sounding board whenever people need.
  • Trusting and independent: We have the freedom to try things our way. We trust each other to do what work best for them, from experimenting with new tools and methods to working flexibly around their lives.
  • Self-managing and self-starting: When we see a problem or area of improvement we just go and make it better. We don't wait for permission or need a fully scoped solution to make things happen.

So we think that people who appreciate this working style will have the highest chance of being successful at Fluent. Please see our careers page for more about life at Fluent.

🧐 Who are we looking for?

We’re looking for a full-stack engineer to help us build new interactions and demistify data for everyone. The ideal candidate probably leans more towards backend than frontend, but is happy to have a go at anything. We’re a super small team so you will be shipping pretty fast, and be happy working under a reasonable amount of ambiguity. We're a very high trust team, but you'll always have someone to support you if you need help.

We want to make clear that even if you think you don’t fulfil some of the requirements here, if you are excited about this role, please apply.

🎯 What will you be working on?

At the moment, we’re focused on implementing the feedback we’ve got from our existing users, and cracking through more of our product roadmap.

The goal for us is for our product to feel intuitive, and powerful to non-technical users. What this means is that any of our users should come to Fluent and know we’re going to give them the answers and the insight they need without needing a data analyst involved. More concretely, over the next six months our key goals are:

  • Understand our customers more.
  • Implement “slice-and-dice” functionality which lets non-technical users drill down into a dataset easily and intuitively.
  • Build out better multidimensional visualisations.
  • Build out “follow up” question flows and functionality.
  • Build out a suite of tools for data analysts to use our product alongside non technical users
  • We also have loads of less obviously interesting SaaS work to do - we can’t even take payment at the moment, or give a customer a way to manage users. It really is early days at Fluent and we’re trying to go as fast as possible.

🤟🏼 You'd be a great fit if you're:

  • You're product minded and user driven. You're keen to really understand our customers and drive the direction of our product.
  • Great problem solving and system design skills. The most important thing for us at the moment is going fast, so a bias towards under-testing and over-hacking is what we’re going for at the moment. It’s fine if stuff breaks, as long as we fix it.
  • Have experience with any full-stack MVC framework i.e. Django, Rails, Phoenix, Laravel. This isn’t a requirement, but experience with any of these will let you get going with our backend faster.
  • Years of experience isn’t necessarily a good metric, but you should be confident calling yourself a senior engineer. We’re looking for someone who can pick up a problem and solve it.
  • You're excited to work in a startup environment with daily stand-ups and quick product validation cycles

💻 Our Current Stack:

We’ve tried to keep the stack as simple as possible, and the current non-exhaustive stack is:

  • Python + Django + PostgreSQL + AWS
  • Typescript + Next.js + Tailwind + Vercel

If you haven't used some of these languages before, that's totally fine. We believe the right person will be able to learn to use them effectively.

⚙️ Interview Process

It's pretty short!

  • Fill in the short application form with your your CV.
  • We get back to you and set up a 30 min interview with a member of our product team on Zoom/Google Meet/etc. to talk about your experience, the company, and do culture fit stuff.
  • If that goes well, we’ll do a ~1hr technical assessment with Cameron, the CTO and cofounder plus another person from our product team over Zoom which will be about a real world problem related to Fluent
  • A paid workday with Fluent (we will pay £650 per day): come into our office or work remotely with us for a day. You'll spend the morning working on a task, have lunch and spend time with the team and then demo what you built in the afternoon.
  • And if that goes well, we’ll make you an offer!
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logo Fluent Software Development FullTime 🌎 Remote 📍 London office Apply Now
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